Avalanche Transceiver / Beacon



PIEPS Micro BT Sensor


  • SENSOR TECHNOLOGY – switches automatically from send mode to search mode.
  • VIBRATION – at initial signal detection. This lets rescuers focus on the visual surface search during the signal search.
  • MAXIMUM CIRCULAR RECEIVING RANGE – due to the PIEPS 3-antenna-system.
  • PERFECT MARK-PERFORMANCE – due to exact signal processing without any performance losses.


  • 3-antenna system pinpoints the location of burials within a 60m range regardless of antenna orientation and burial depth
  • Eliminating signal overlap allows the searcher to quickly interpret the audible and visual information with increased accuracy and less confusion
  • Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology displays the number of buried victims as stick figures on an easy-to-view LCD screen
  • When signals are detected, the approximate distance and direction to the burials are displayed—simply follow the arrows to reach a burial
  • Upon locating the position of the first victim, the searcher can mark and mask the found signal and immediately begin searching for other burials; marks up to four signals


An avalanche transceiver or avalanche beacon is a type of emergency locator beacon, a radio transceiver for the purpose of finding people buried under snow. They are widely carried by skiers, particularly cross-country skiers, for use in case a skier is buried by an avalanche.

Following an avalanche, if some members of the ski party are buried, the others may switch their transceivers from transmit into receive mode, allowing use as a radio direction finding device to search for signals coming from the lost skiers.

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